
Create PO-files

There are many ways to create PO-files. But I decided to make it manually to begin with. Using Google Translate as a first step.

1. Create the file structure on your computer.

You can put the folder "locale" where you want, but I found it more convinient to use the public folder

└── main/
      ├── public/
      │   ├── css/
      │   ├── js/
      │   ├── img/
      │   ├── locale/
      │   │   ├── es.po
      │   │   ├── de.po
      │   │   ├── it.po
      │   │   ├── sv.po
      │   │   ├── en.po
      │   │   └── ...
      │   ├── misc/
      │   └── html/
      ├── main.go
      ├── go.mod
      └── go.sum

2. Create each language PO-file like this

A po file is a simple key(msgid) value(msgstr) file. This is an example of es.po.

msgid "Company"
msgstr "Nagocio"

msgid "home"
msgstr "inicio"

msgid "Create PO-files"
msgstr "Crea file PO"

msgid "Go Code"
msgstr "Codice Go"

msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"